Set in the dark and violent world of 1940s Los Angeles, Detective: City of Angels is a game of mystery, deception, and investigation for 1–5 players. (Sample Gameplay)
Most players will step into the shoes of LAPD homicide detectives, hungry for glory and willing to do whatever it takes to close a case, even if that means intimidating suspects, concealing evidence, and hiring snitches to rat on their fellow detectives.
One player, however, will take on the role of The Chisel, whose only goal is to stall and misdirect the detectives at every turn using bluffing, manipulation, and (often) outright lies.
The game includes separate, detailed casebooks for the detectives and The Chisel. Each crime is a puzzle that can unfold in a variety of ways. As the detectives turn the city upside down, uncovering fresh evidence and "hot" leads, hidden suspects may be revealed and new lines of questioning will open up, creating a rich, story-driven experience!
Ages: 14 + | Players: 1 - 5
In the Box:
- Game Board
- 4 Detective Boards
- Chisel Board
- Pad of Investigation Sheets
- 4 Detective Casebooks
- Chinel Casebook Sleuth (solo) Casebook
- Rulebook Tutorial Book
- ARC Sleere
- Nine Unique Cases including:
- 9 x Individual Case Tuckboxes
- 118 x Case & Mystery Cards
- 97 x Response Carda
- 9 x Sleuth (Solo) Cards
- 204 x Search & Special Cards
- 8 x Yavor Cards
- 8 x Grift Cards
- 8 x Evidence Removed Cards
- 12 x Evidence Removed Markers
- 37 x Suspect Standees
- 6 x Standee Bases
- 4 x Detective Miniatures w/ Colored Bases
- 32 x Leverage Markers
- 32 x Knowledge Markers
- 16 x Action Cubes
- 4 x Solve Tokens
- 8 x Bribe-a-Snitch Tokens
- 49 x Scratch Tokens
- Day Marker
- Crime Scene Marker
- Pinal Guess Marker
- 3 x Stress Markers