Born of the U.S. government’s 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green spent four decades opposing the forces of darkness with honor, but without glory. Stripped of sanction after a disastrous 1969 operation in Cambodia, Delta Green’s leaders made a secret pact: to continue their work without authority, without support, and without fear. Delta Green agents slip through the system, manipulating the federal bureaucracy while pushing the darkness back for another day—but often at a shattering personal cost.
This massive, full-color volume is filled with deep resources just for the Delta Green game master.
- THE PAST: details on the world and history of Delta Green.
- THE UNNATURAL: details on the Cthulhu Mythos, from monsters to hypergeometry to the Great Old Ones, including rules for creating new threats.
- THE SCHISM: deep details on the Delta Green organization itself -- or rather, two different Delta Green groups, not always working to the same ends.
- THE OPERA: guidelines for creating scenarios, running campaigns, and customizing the setting.
- APPENDICES: a ready-to-play scenario, "The Sentinels of Twilight," a Handler-facing glossary, index, recommended media, sample NPCs to use in any game, rules variants, and more.
Further terrors can be found in the companion volume, the silver Ennie Award-winning AGENT'S HANDBOOK, in the gold Ennie Award-winning NEED TO KNOW